Maine Genealogical Society


Q: Where Are you located?
The Pejepscot Genealogical Society is based in Brunswick, Maine, though we have members from many neighboring communities, and some people from out of State who have research interests in the area.  We currently do not have a permanent space to call home, but meet at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, monthly, September through June.

Q: Do you have a library of genealogical materials?
No, we do not have a specific library of genealogical materials. However, there are a few local resources that will be of interest to people with roots in the area.

The Curtis Memorial Library has a genealogy room and many items related to area history posted online. PGS members sometimes help staff the room and are available to answer questions.

The Pejepscot Historical Society has genealogical material relating to Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell.

An often overlooked resource, the Bowdoin College Library, has a wealth of historical materials about Maine and Massachusetts.

The Bath library also has an extensive collection of interesting materials in their Sagadahoc History & Genealogy Room.

Q: How do I join?
Thank you for asking.   You can join by coming to a meeting and paying your dues, or buy sending your payment to our Treasurer.  If you want to mail your payment, use the Contact Us Link to ask our current Treasurer for their mailing address.


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